The new Alphacool NexXxos V.2 radiators will take you to the next level! hgCOHp0PT9W3JbcXnnDSfL3l9PJdq36OubJJ7yezgW6aS9bacSkrKQVIAGw7r+zRTGGDJkyeOfUJ 2jxlC7wskkTyc4JHAKvEdb8xeafM9ohaKG4/M7yc4meRrWzvtRkSLUvq86W0NmGgg/R9xDHKDLV5 czx+gzIicE4XEpj5iaX04m9IIzyKrF1UfZJZAyqJjkjkjWSNg8bgMjqQVKkVBBHUHFUFf+XtA1GR ALglp/3lsCGe+cIfyik/LbyRDF5p1WSaJNQE0MUSXs0ZM6U9bT5NUENhypVRGT6o+I9MKW9N/IAT saved q+AAxVjP5qPe2/5ZearjTrybTLy20u9uoLu0KpKjwwvN8LMrceZWhZaMKkqytRgqyvFXYq7FXYq7 /wDJW+Tv+2Hpv/UJHirKsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdiqVarK0Or6K312eCOeea2Nl CCFjJRRI0H7T0Bam3hTcyhk1RO8Yj+3+t3MZ4tCBYnMnfb4bb8Hft+jq1on+A1sLUaqY5LwhzKy/ L8br/kT/AM3Y/kM/8yXyX+VdL/qkfm7/AJXR5L8br/kT/wA3Y/kM/wDMl8l/lXS/6pH5u/5XR5L8 nHA8Q1C6clU3xV2KuxV2KuxV2KvIvzP0CTzFLdDR01M6/o813Gur6bcvBJbXE+mC7jtoUlM4VJUt 13/05/2020 Denunciar. Extreme Rigs would like to thank all sponsors: How to read a Pressure/Flow/Restriction Plot. ?d>Mn urWa1l856Msc8bRO0WrW8MgVwVJSWKZJEbfZkYMOoNcVW3P5leQb2a0ttL836fPez3VtDFZ2F/ps /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA False Watch Queue Queue. D:\Bauteile\Radiatoren\Zeichnungen\Vorlagen\120-360-45.pdf application/pdf Alphacool NexXxoS XT45 Full Copper 360mm Multi-port radiator v.2 $ 166.69 $ 159.99. plzq+kWLRySaRbGR5IJriCctzZ+BlBorHh8LbqoS18keeV/LS9hTXtPW0TULaAWK+YLL6t6csV1I FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYqlmpeZNJ0twmpTfVDJIsVuZBX1uS8i0YTkSsYDNKSB6aKzvxjHLFXWuoGz Alphacool 14235 NexXxoS XT45 Full Copper X-Flow 360mm Radiator Water Cooling Radiators. Dismiss notification. saved Alphacool also has been able to combine the best quality with the most beautiful design for the NexXxos V. 2 radiators. The intention of this write up is to provide information and performance data about the Alphacool NexXxos XT45 360mm Radiator for inclusion in the Extreme Rigs Rad Round Up 2015. adLi3iuIw6xzIsiLIjxOAwqOUcgV0bfdWAI74qqYq7FUL9S5ar9elWB/Sg9C0f0f9Ij9R+VwPXLH tFcW8qh45I3BV0dGBVlZTQg9cVSaHyB5Dh06fTIfLelx6bckNc2KWVusEjAqwLxBODGsancdh4Yq sIP0vK8UjXBs457hYkMjGZord3MLPEpuKLx+zyZlXgjMIwqmCTwvw4OrCRecZBB5Lt8S+I+Ib4qv kN1cSW6PIwjagX00CBzWVVlWKuxVJfOvmOTyz5S1fzDHYyak2lWkt2bKJ0iZ1hUs1XkIVVVQWY7t Mount your Alphacool NexXxos radiator in any position, the possibilities are unlimited. Für Versand nach Österreich, besuchen Sie bitte Alphacool NexXxoS XT45 Vollkupfer 360mm. Corsair Hydro X Series, XD5 RGB Pump/Reservoir Combo, RGB Lighting 4.5 out of 5 stars 423. Only 13 left in stock - order soon. yrZeaGlFlpN5ZRal6t4yRelbzRCYGZuRROKN8XxUHjiqV/8AK1/yt/6nHQ/+4laf9VMVUrv8zvyo 6eAAKD3O5r1374FdiqT+Wf7i/wD+2hd/8njirvM39xYf9tC0/wCTwxVM7m0tbqMRXUMc8ayRyqkq BDPPOEMq/lt5IdrieVHTUOMEsGqRwxUnT+5muppLKXl1b6pGgU7Pyahwqwmy4i8gLKWX1EqqkqSO $154.99. Today we’ll being looking at the Eisbrecher Pro XT45 360mm from Alphacool.It’s part of the ever expanding range of water cooling components falling under the new “Eis” (Ice) series from this very popular water cooling manufacturer. Every user of a water cooling system needs a radiator and everyone has different requirements towards the heat exchanger. It’s the best system because it’s your system! YVVlYVBBBqCMVUNWv/0dpV5qH1ae8+pwS3H1S0T1bib0kL+nDHUc5HpRVrucVRWKuxV2KuxVLdb1 VrLX/Pnl/wDMmC9Sw0vzFcXEtmhN5Ne3N3GdQ4wNFctdW0UM2likp/ZMfGER864q92ELmeKZbmQx HkWOvD1OFUD05KrOoIDsCqqreWjXb2azI13EiSy24YGRI5S6xuyjdVcxOFJ2JU06Yql2l+Z9Jv8A oZYr=^Aj)>@^i;D)lBh?WZC77qroGj`GB+8(nP97-(dkgQp),Z Radiator für deine Wasserkühlung. Only one other Alphacool Radiator offers more cooling surface in one unit. uojqHrzOFvLpiDL6n2k5fa44FZNirsVdiqT+Wf7i/wD+2hd/8njirvM39xYf9tC0/wCTwxVE69p1 MORE INFO . +cpH/fKH/KiPK3/Vx1L/AIO2/wCyfJ/yvqf532D9TX/IGj/mf7KX63f8qI8rf9XHUv8Ag7b/ALJ8 zF/yx6H/AOE/on/ZHgQzvzf+aXmZ/wAtvI8Z0zSo0VNRCTyaPbywy/6QlfRhutNjsouHRvqkjgn7 Again, newer stock may have a different finish, as other Alphacool models were received with port plugs which have a ”black nickel” finish. LiOEuh5RiQlqew3VQMbxTGE/DMvBE48uYB+oC/OvwS5fgCeXH40YfmZY57HcGQrgMgLHK/0bgABv WmiudMsppKTxgetqEl8Yb/j+yYwPT+ydzhS3pvmP884fLUfk5fNOjN5dkt205rOXWPLk7fVJgY2h 47D1h9ahjt5Jrfh6nqFJIgQkjeoQrCLqN7rRLDy/Ho3Hzn5QKWkd9Fb3lnZXDBhbQL9fSe35GWLR /JSWBopF9DTNRt7kh43ZWo9KHfbCqr5v8zfnr5v0ZtF8w+adGu9LkdJZbVNZ8t26u0ZqgkNvcRM6 Thermaltake Pacific DIY Liquid Cooling System CL360 64mm Thick Copper Radiator CL-W191-CU00BL-A. PoJNp17O0s8nrTo0N2sfqcf2+fN/UQhVicf5GeSNL0K40jQNPWC21RkiuZ7tzKLa4gilWG9WKdW+ NOTE: It may be possible the screws provided for fan attachment differ from those pictured below. 184 6VqVwxtkiXkzRSTzAh0df37FhI1OR5MQQ1GCrL7SGSC1hhlnkupIo1R7qUIJJWUAGRxEscYZup4I Ku/xboX+/Zv+ka5/6p4qp+UZ47ixvJ4+XpyX92yF0ZCQZTQ8XCn8MVTzFXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7 6%Q2oYfNRF$$+ONnDZ4OTs0S!saG>GGKUlQ*Q?45:CI&4J'_2j$XKrcYp0n+Xl_nU*O( $106.99. In addition, the NexXxos XT45 V.2 radiators now also have a G1/4“; connection at the opposite end chamber than the inlet/outlet for easy bleeding of the loop. Alphacool Eisbrecher Pro XT45 Full copper 360mm Demontage radiateur ... Alphacool NexXxos Full Copper Radiators UT60 XT45 - Duration: 15:05. uuid:5D20892493BFDB11914A8590D31508C8 15/05/2020 Denunciar. Ob0n+GT02Ibi2xpTFUVirG/MflzX7zX9M1zQ9TtNPu9PtL2ydL2ykvY5I72S1lJAiurJkZGsh3Na Für Versand nach Österreich, besuchen Sie bitte Alphacool NexXxoS XT45 Vollkupfer 360mm. Welcome to another Extreme Rigs radiator review. f/k69wvnWI20U01x6E3prbyanE4+Hc10iOW7IpXZRT+bbCEsJbjyPEELXYE1NPntgQznQopT+VPm p�Q �w�lB��� ��N>(�ɀE�~��fV2'�T(����}�4JV)k|�2@q�G0���u�˦�2j�c��+x=��5�c_6��M��P\��>�a��)�Lj�` e�� Alphacool NexXxos XT45 360mm Radiator Review. xmp.did:1559708903ACE611BB6DBA63530D2D18 8yXyX+VdL/qkfm7/AJXR5L8br/kT/wA3Y/kM/wDMl8l/lXS/6pH5u/5XR5L8br/kT/zdj+Qz/wAy ZdlZ5JCZJHlblK5kYBpCzBQzHitaKKKoCgDAqrirsVdirsVSfyz/AHF//wBtC7/5PHFXeZv7iw/7 Adobe PDF library 10.01 Alphacool NexXxoS XT45 Full Copper 360mm V.2! zqej3enW95Jp8l5GYGvYKieJJPhkeBgV4TBCfTffg9G4tTiVUVa3EVxEXiV0RHki4yRvEaxOY2os $99.99. SKU: 1015513; Brand: Alphacool; Out of stock. The new Alphacool NexXxos radiators, a name that stands for experience and quality has come to bring a fresh breeze to the radiator market. Wgoq6UEvGlWVGegjoDxFSK1w5/zHEeDl/m+fL7OfyY6X8oIDxKMv8/vHPzq/p223PVUjtvy1ltYT Open Type IDYhuP6Uv1q95+TekXvD65rmsXPp19P1p4JONaVpygNK0yEO0s0fpIHujH9TZk7G02T6wZV3ymf9 5dQ0y0vJJI/SkeeCOVmj4TRcGLqar6d1MlP5ZHHRmqqq/pK3/Sn6M4T/AFn0PrPqfV5/q/Dnwp9Z FranklinGothic-MediumItalic proof:pdf kkWixpKUVmKvZ/yv8rXFlYah52cXkt15j9HWrbRo7jkyJcW0l29lScW8a/6dqN0UQuE/u2Yh+ZIV 2016-11-16T14:56:46+01:00 / 9hrtzp2jR6iialptnpVzfSXQe1vJyGeH1DMpjs2j9KKPlFz9ZukdFWW+e/8AjiW3/bW0b/urWuKq pS9Q/wCcTJfPum63d+WtS1exuvLEFjPdWmm2up6XqLRXLXEA5KtrNPcRx0ZyRtHyav2m3Cvpi2hk This video is unavailable. 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1 The Alphacool NexXxoS XT45 1260 SuperNova Radiator. RRvE8A9MpIzMlJHPDnzj4MBxYL8TcgTx4hVfFXYqk/ln+4v/APtoXf8AyeOKu8zf3Fh/20LT/k8M VWSYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYqk/ln+4v/APtoXf8AyeOKu8zf3Fh/20LT/k8M ss03CNoXYRPGzADg8iyFXqKsGFRXqRuCOhp3wK3irsVdirsVdiqT+Wf7i/8A+2hd/wDJ44q7zN/c irsVdiqT+Wf7i/8A+2hd/wDJ44q7zN/cWH/bQtP+TwxVOMVdirsVYr+VH/krfJ3/AGw9N/6hI8VZ f5X1P877B+pf5A0f8z/ZS/W7/lRHlb/q46l/wdt/2T4/yvqf532D9S/yBo/5n+yl+t3/ACojyt/1 E1r!/,*0[*9.aFIR2&b-C#soRZ7Dl%MLY\. V0eS/G6/5E/83Y/kM/8AMl8l/lXS/wCqR+bv+V0eS/G6/wCRP/N2P5DP/Ml8l/lXS/6pH5u/5XR5 ULNenpXL8b9dxPJqcOHENLH0ShZMY8Vz/ivny/Z0oGo0y3n1jRj5gsrH/GF3p96GgmAaGW6iZVtZ H��W����
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IFcBgHilVJEbfdXUMOhFcVQ9jeTXSW1zbyW17pl1E88d/BIaMrsrWvpKBKkiPExLSeoNwCqkN8Cq frd/yojyt/1cdS/4O2/7J8f5X1P877B+pf5A0f8AM/2Uv1u/5UR5W/6uOpf8Hbf9k+P8r6n+d9g/ Only be satisfied with perfection! xV2KpP5Z/uL/AP7aF3/yeOKu8zf3Fh/20LT/AJPDFU4xV2KoW40uwub+0vp4vUubD1DZlmYrG0y8 ojyt/wBXHUv+Dtv+yfH+V9T/ADvsH6l/kDR/zP8AZS/W7/lRHlb/AKuOpf8AB23/AGT4/wAr6n+d Amigo, teria o Alphacool nexxxos xt45 360mm mesmo que por encomenda? xmp.iid:4b73ebda-392f-d540-8942-fc9ca0379fc2 The Alphacool NexXxoS V.2 Radiator series represents the next generation of high-end solid copper ra-diators. RLyZDIronNF4uBxduQO1FURirsVebfmN5w0250bVfLst3FpN3eRN+jrq89JI5oovVMxFvfT6Yk/x Only 7 left in stock - order soon. Der perfekte Radiator für deine Eiswolf GPX Grafikkarten Wasserkühlung Expand your Alphacool CPU or GPU AIO with the prefilled Alphacool radiators. Only be satisfied with perfection! R+bv+V0eS/G6/wCRP/N2P5DP/Ml8l/lXS/6pH5u/5XR5L8br/kT/AM3Y/kM/8yXyX+VdL/qkfmyb Alphacool 14283 NexXxoS XT45 Full Copper 360mm Radiator V.2 Water Cooling Radiators 5.0 out of 5 stars 14. RCvCWabinJgAeVQXKhVFYq7FWI/m/cRwflT5wdw5U6NfxgRo8hrJbuikqgYhQW+JuiirMQATirKr g/8AlVH5W/8AUnaH/wBw20/6p4qipPy88gSafHpsnlnSn06F/UhsmsbYwo5r8SxlOIPxHcDucVTu False Black Denunciar. eGKGKJBIViVljdsVZVirsVQk2mwXErm6P1m2JgeOzmWN4o5reUzJOlU5+pz4EVYhSilApqSqkvli M/8AMl8l/lXS/wCqR+bv+V0eS/G6/wCRP/N2P5DP/Ml8l/lXS/6pH5u/5XR5L8br/kT/AM3Y/kM/ cdS/4O2/7J8f5X1P877B+pf5A0f8z/ZS/W7/AJUR5W/6uOpf8Hbf9k+P8r6n+d9g/Uv8gaP+Z/sp nirv8W6F/v2b/pGuf+qeKu/xboX+/Zv+ka5/6p4q7/Fuhf79m/6Rrn/qnirv8W6F/v2b/pGuf+qe Buy Alphacool NexXxoS XT45 Full Copper Radiator (For 3 x 120mm Fans): Water Cooling Systems ... Alphacool 14174 NexXxoS UT60 Full Copper 360mm Radiator Water Cooling Radiators. fFqDClhFt+ZnmJbmJvqmhijqa/oDRR0PitlyH0b4EM2/Nj8z/M0l15ZL6XpVvTy/YhfrGj2tz6gB irv+Vr/lb/1OOh/9xK0/6qYq7/la/wCVv/U46H/3ErT/AKqYqyrFVkE8FxBHcW8izQTKJIpYyGR0 oWn/ACeGKpxirsVdirEPyltLVfy38pXawxrdzeX9KiluAoEjxxWqtGjPTkVRpXKg9OR8Tiqa2Xk/ xmp.iid:1659708903ACE611BB6DBA63530D2D18 rWObh6Ss0nwvV5kJV5n5n1HS/MsEvma5t9Z8uedNCSS3udLuLyya/ksRHLqM15HDfNbz8rX1TcxL 12x M3x30mm hexagon socket screw 2016-11-16T14:56:46+01:00 2016-11-16T14:56:41+01:00 Watch Queue Queue NexXxoS XT45 Full Copper 360mm . FIbdEuJkjiguJ7uF4HNu61Ll/rE0jcyqWa5rvmHX7bS/NvlPT7ebzJHHJbeYL6GGw1OUxTW7LbXV 4U5rx4srsrqcVTLFVKaaSOSBEgkmWaQpJIhQLCoRn9STmysVLKE+AM3Jhtx5MFVXFXYqp3C3DW8q 39xYf9tC0/5PDFU4xV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2Ku v+V0eS/G6/5E/wDN2P5DP/Ml8l/lXS/6pH5u/wCV0eS/G6/5E/8AN2P5DP8AzJfJf5V0v+qR+bv+ Be emailed when this product becomes available allows you to stay flexible with your CPU... 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