She is a very flexible tool in a Scholar’s kit. DET is a consistent increase in damage/healing, whereas Crit is an RNG gain. However as said, this does not buff oGCD heals so it does not affect abilities such as Lustrate, Excogitation, Fey Union, or Indomitability. She was a big help in doing corrections to make the guide more legible. Scholar is very reliant on aetherflow for more healing potential, and for the shields its weaker than Astro, and its abilities overall are lacking. This means that DoTs retain any buff (or debuff) that was out when the DoT was applied, even after said buff falls off. Noticed something great? Recitation will rarely if ever be used for this purpose, but it is an aspect of the ability. 2 Turtle Doves. During the fourth floor of Deltascape Savage, Exdeath, Chain Stratagem came up during the Black Holes phase – a phase that required a heavy amount of movement. If moving a Divine Veil will save a healing GCD, let the PLD know. If this pull ends at 9:20-9:59, there is no possible way to gain another Chain Stratagem during the course of the encounter. Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members. It also grants a 20% increase to healing spells for 30s. You get it at level 45 and use Aetherflow on Scholar to gain three stacks of it (buff and job gauge), these can at level 45 be used for either Lustrate (instant heal) or Energy Drain (danage + mp regen). There are also problems with Fey Union not going off when used. It is harsh on our MP, and generally the mitigation from shields is not required for survival, making it a total loss. It is also worth noting that this will not proc and heal someone through a hit that will kill them, a “oneshot.” If they have 51% health and take a tank buster that is more than 51% of health, Excog will not stop their death. For example, if we have 10,000 health, and a 2,000 shield, a 3,000 hit would leave us at 9,000 health. It also is beneficial mechanics that drop players to one hp, as those do not eat shields like they do player hp. The Galvanize shield can be deployed to the entire party, while the Catalyze shield can not. If you can’t get that time, then opt into pure Broil III spam. However, it is important to note that there are two “tiers” to spell speed scaling: One of these tiers impacts your DoT/Hot and AA damage scaling, while the other is your GCD tier’s recast time. The structure of all Ultimate tier raids released so far have been multiple mini-bosses before a final encounter. We also have many tools that can be used to mitigate incoming damage, though most of the time this is unnecessary. It is important to know the difference between them being additive and multiplicative. Scholar has been vastly improved. There are times that they won’t have any tools available, and it is the Scholar’s job to fill those voids with their tools. The gains from this will vary, and which fairy skill you use is dependent on how you want your cooldowns to line up the rest of the fight, but it is generally more helpful than you expect. In progression, it is recommended to hold off on using Dissipation until you need to push for damage, as it also doubles as a healing tool. There is no “Main Healer” and “Off Healer”. If the Scholar also uses Sacred Soil, it will reduce the 90,000 damage by 9,000, making the new value 8,100. Unlike Summoner, where the 3 different pets have different specialties, Scholar's 2 fairies have the same abilities as each other — the difference between light fairy and dark fairy is just cosmetic. They can not make your life easier if they don’t know what will help you. As of the last update to this guide, the current best potion for Scholars to use are Grade 3 Tinctures of Mind. When people ask how to increase their DPS. Ideally we avoid using Ruin II if at all possible, but it’s much worse to lose casts while running. Collective, while not a lot of healing, can be very impactful, and Horoscope has a wide array of uses both when charged and uncharged. Stacking multiple raid buffs has a multiplicative effect. This is a useful tool that can be used to greatly cut down on healer GCDs that are required. Communicate the best usages of Fey Illumination with your team to maximize its benefit. Recitation Adlo is also useful for the case of Deployment Tactics. This ability doesn’t buff many heals in the SCH’s kit, but is very useful for buffing your cohealers GCD heals, and it will buff your Fairy’s auto heal, Embrace or Seraphic Veil. It has the added benefit of a 1.00s recast, which means it is possible to spam multiple in quick succession if such a scenario demands it, and you have the aetherflow for it. For example, you can use Ruin II, which is an instant GCD, to weave two oGCD actions. These can all be stacked for massive shielding on the party. On top of this, Scholar has many tools that allow them to quickly heal incoming damage, most of which are off the global cooldown. For example, if there are two adds that you are using AoW on, and you need to move, an Art Of War gives you 2.5s after it is cast to move partially to your desired location. There are some fight strategies designed to require it, such as Unreal Hello, World in Final Omega. Communicate with your party when things should be used to maximize their uses and effectiveness. Using collective to mitigate a raid wide and letting it tick to heal the party is incredibly useful during these times as well. Aetherflow Media «Adamantoise» 29. you need to be logged in to love. In encounters with multiple targets to AoE, weave between casts of Art Of War. Using a Sacred Soil when there are already numerous mitigations stacked on an AOE will likely not save a heal. Pick whichever you prefer, and stop arguing about which is better. That being said, it is still better to do this if it saves an AST a GCD heal, as it is a 10 potency swing in their favor. The same applies to all DPS mitigation tools. Unlike when overwriting your own Galvanize shield, the shield size is irrelevant when it comes to Noct and Galvanize overwriting. Any Aetherflow related skill consumes one charge. One of the biggest offenders is Seraph. This is especially true if Neutral Sect is up, as the raw healing from a GCD under it is massive. Use these at -4s prepull so that the animation lock is resolved accordingly and we can begin casting Broil prepull. Scholar: You get two fairies as soon as you unlock the job (replacing your original pets). The first is eloquently labeled as “Prepull Stuff”. These oGCDs are not tied behind the GCD recast, but have individual cooldowns that are not affected by Spell Speed. Jump to: navigation, search. This is an ability for Seraph. Some of the skills to look for include, Feint, Addle, Reprisal, Troubadour, Tactician, Shield Samba, and more. Misery, while being a general DPS loss versus their primary damage spell spell– Glare, is still incredible because it offers WHM opportunities to move and weave. The loss from casting this Adloquium is still 290, the lost Broil III, and potentially an additional 90 from weaving the deploy. This is especially prominent in instances where a deployed Adloquium is used. The fairy returning automatically after 30s also means that this works as a DPS tool. This is your filler DPS spell that you cast when your damage over time (DoT) is already ticking and nothing else needs to be done. Though I am not among the best, I take pride in overcoming it's debatably steep learning curve and seen how impactful it can be in the right hands; be they mine or another equally adept Scholar. Reduces damage taken by a party member or self by 20%. Your goal as a team of healers is to minimize costs, which will in turn maximize your potential damage. featured glamour. If used after Ruin II, the next Broil cast can also allow for a double weave. Be wary of all the cooldowns, GCDs are generally a last resort for healing, as they cost the most in terms of damage potency, however are also the most readily available tools. This skill turns your next cast of Succor or Adlo into a completely raw heal, the healing potency that would have cone to the shield becomes direct healing, as long as it is cast within the 15s duration of this buff. However that said, there are still conditions with a lot of party damage that happens early in a fight, but said fight then doesn’t have additional burst incoming damage for a while afterward that allows us to consider this. In general, it is almost always a good optimization goal within statics in every fight to begin using Dissipation, but be wary of it during progression and with pick-up-groups (PUGs). The Faerie Gauge displays the current amount of fae aether you have accumulated via the use of offensive and healing magicks, as well as landing Aura Blast on enemies. Across all skills used and auto attacks, this results in a fairly large amount of healing. This spell heals the target for 300 potency, then adds a shield, called Galvanize, equaling 125% of the amount healed (so, 375 shield potency). Its 45s cooldown means that significant delays will result in a very large DPS loss and will misalign it from raid buffs. If you need a small amount of healing before a raidwide, opt into Succor instead. It plays a massive part in how much damage we deal, as well as how much we heal. They are always more efficient than using GCDs to heal. Clipping your GCD is a direct potency loss, and if your spell speed tier means clipping is inevitable you will want to consider going with a slower GCD to make weaving more viable. +2. The 20% MP restore only happens once, when you cast Aetherflow. Job Quest, Deployment Tactics Healing Buffs that affect only GCD heals: Dissipation’s healing increase is only for healing magic potency, not actions. Fey blessing has a resource lock similar to Fey Union, as it costs 10 fairy gauge. This skill was massively reworked in terms of use and effectiveness in Shadowbringers. It is much more technical and complicated than this, and it is almost impossible to recoup at 0:50s, but that is the general gist. Concept. If you macro your healing/DPS spells they cannot be queued. It has quite literally the highest potency of any heal in the game and should be treated as such. Eboshi of Healing pt 2. As Summoner and Scholar both share the same base class of Arcanist, Scholar's basic heal is available to us. Common Actions [edit | edit source] Common Actions have no cost Action Type Cast Recast Range Radius Phantom Dart 48px: Ability Instant 30s 25y — Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 1,000. Adjust the “2” with whatever number in your party list is currently the main tank. The fairy will wait to finish movement before she casts the ability you commanded. In a vacuum, spell speed is a powerful substat as it increases the frequency of auto attacks, the damage on damage over time (DoT) attacks, and the healing done from healing over time (HoT) spells, while also reducing your cast and recast time. If you are not going to get another usage of raid buffs during the encounter, it is best to get that last usage when other buffs are active. This means that there is a delay between macro’d GCDs that costs you a significant amount of DPS. 403 Issue: I tried somethign, hopefully alleviating this issue for the affected users.Please let me know if it helped! Macros are extremely clunky in this game. As Momo puts it, we need constant uptime and tight GCD casting diligence to make sure we continually clip Biolysis on the back end of the raid buffs to “recoup our losses.” In general, without a NIN and with only one raid buff, the recoup begins at around 3:50, and roughly each additional raid buff generally takes another minute off that time to recoup the loss damage from overwriting in the opener. The shield from this spell does stack with Galvanize and Catalyze. Unlike carbuncle or an egi, fairies do not attack enemies. As a healer, you need to be vocal and specify where mitigation will save you a heal. He also made the graph of party mitigation. This skill is used to heavily mitigate incoming damage, usually by casting an Adlo onto someone like a tank with healing up buffs, or a DPS or yourself, and then sending it to the entire party. Their primary attribute is Mind and they share the "Healing" branch of equipment with Astrologians and White Mages. Because you’re not going to get the full value out of the last Chain, it is worthwhile to hold earlier usages for different alignment. Note that all Fairy abilities originate from the Fairy, but must be command as an oGCD from the Scholar. Increases HP recovered by healing actions for self and nearby party members by 20%. There will be guides for general healing, AST and WHM, as well as optimization guides. There are a few different types of Macros. LOGO ILLUSTRATION: © 2010, 2014, 2016, 2018 YOSHITAKA AMANO. They aren’t infinite either. This applies to any damage increase, meaning Chain Stratagem, Battle Litany, Trick Attack, or even Potions. This barrier is different from Galvanize and Catalyze, and thus stacks with other shields, including shields from Astrologian. If you run out of MP, you will be unable to DPS or heal. Aetherflow Gauge Upon learning the action Aetherflow, the Aetherflow Gauge will be displayed, indicating stacks of Aetherflow. staring at shoebills. Hopefully, our Arcanist Leveling Guide helps you out!. With that being said, there are a few instances where raid buffs can be held. Biolysis must tick for 15s for it to be worth more than a Broil III. Scholar is very reliant on aetherflow for more healing potential, and for the shields its weaker than Astro, and its abilities overall are lacking. You cast a shield, such as Adloquium, then spread the strong shield to the party. Seraph’s Consolation is essentially a miniature Succor. This chart provides a good example of what healing priorities look like. Their Afflatus heals are superior to a SCH using AF stacks on heals, but only if they get an Afflatus Misery out of it. Clipping your GCD is when you cast an oGCD after a casted GCD whose cast time is equal to the recast time or close enough to still create a clip. This does assume they will get the Afflatus Misery cast and won’t need the lilies for movement/weaving elsewhere. Often referred to as “Adlo,” this is one of the most influential abilities Scholar has. This is especially true during early clears, as your defense stats and health haven’t scaled to their maximum yet. It ends up being MP positive for every stack used on Energy Drain. The second reason is that casting GCD spells more often also means it may be necessary to have more piety to maintain your mana economy. She offers mitigation and a party wide heal over time, which can save numerous healer GCDs. Healer DPS is very important. This skill has two charges with a 20 second recast time. With that being said, don’t hold Lucid for half of an encounter. It is important for you as a Scholar to understand some of the basics of your cohealer. Make sure your DoT is always on the boss. However, you do lose 150 potency from doing Indom instead of Energy Drain for this. This is your pet’s primary ability. First, substats function as a “zero-sum game.” This means that any stats you put into Spell Speed are taken away from other damage gaining stats such as Determination, Critical Hit, and Direct Hit. This shows exactly how all of these buffs will naturally look when used on cooldown. It also requires more thorough planning of your GCDs and oGCDs to minimize clipping. For example, how quickly you need to move, and how far, will play a big role in deciding which movement option will be best suited for a given situation. A critical Adloquium will then also apply an additional shield, called Catalyze, which is equal to an additional 125% of the value healed (thus, another 375 potency). Determination is not a bad stat. It requires more information in general to get the full picture. This stat increases damage dealt and healing dealt, much like a small direct potency gain. We usually opt into whatever the highest item level gear is because it has more of this main stat. This was awful for uptime, as multiple people were being forced to move during the mechanic, and was followed by a mechanic that required healers to top the party to full health. When using Seraph prepull, summon her at about 7s prepull and command her to use consolation immediately. Also she puts up with my booli. Scholar is in a unique situation where it is heavily reliant on oGCDs and reducing the GCD too significantly can create serious clipping concerns. People like to believe that fairy heals are free, when they actually have a hidden cost, that of weaving. Seraph is a niche prepull action to consider since it requires some weird timing to still allow the user to Dissipate where we want to and also forces us to use our “free” weave slot after our 4th GCD on Consolation It’s also combined with not allowing us to re-summon Seraph for the first 1:50 of the fight. Most DPS jobs, bar Samurai and Black Mage, have an ability that increases DPS for the party. Those traits give you a buff when you use Aetherflow, each rank give you one stack of the buff "Aetherflow". The more of it we stack, the greater returns. Another way to cancel Fey Union early is to cast Aetherpact again. Both healers have one combined kit that is used to heal the raid together. In terms of burst healing, Recitation Succor is a lot of healing, though it does come at the cost of a GCD used for the heal and an oGCD weave for Recitation. Piety increases the amount of mana regenerated naturally in battle. These are your bread and butter abilities that will cover the overwhelming majority of your healing in raids. Effect ends upon reuse. There isn’t particularly an “optimal” time to use Lucid Dreaming, as its really dependant on how you’re healing a fight. It just does not scale as well as Critical Hit. This means that if a spell speed meld or piece of gear forces you to add piety to compensate, you are likely taking an overall hit to your dps vs utilizing another substat instead. SCHs healed with White Mages as the only healing jobs at the time. This is assuming a 12 minute pull. However, when it is going to fall off of the boss and needs to be renewed, it takes first priority for weaving.Swiftcasting Broil III can be used to give yourself an extra slot to weave. In this case, Indom would have likely forced you to use another AoE healing tool. Oddly enough, that isn’t far from the truth. This makes understanding how to use Eos or Selene much easier. This was more commonly applicable in 4.0, when you could deploy off of your pet who avoided being hit by most mechanics. There are many possible usages for her. Certain raid buffs, like Trick Attack, can often be used on adds because they have a short cooldown. This is also the go-to button for burning unnecessary Aetherflow stacks during downtime for free gauge. Macros are only really used for very niche things, such as mouseover macros for using oGCD heals while not tabbing off the boss. It allows the Scholar to maintain a constant healthy mana pool and gives the Scholar resources to cast his or her signature abilities, such as Lustrate and Sacred Soil. Let your cohealer know that they don’t need to heal if you are going to Indom. Some spells use an Aetherflow stack. These learned men and women defended the freedom of their tiny nation with their unique command over spell-weaving faeries, utilizing the creatures' magicks to heal the wounded and bolster the strength of their allies. This is superior to using Indom or a GCD heal. Conversely their Afflatus heals are extremely powerful as they actually give a portion of the damage loss returned with Misery, as long as Misery is able to be cast. For more on opportunity costs, I recommend checking out Momo Sama’s Healer Optimization Guide: This definition is a relic of the past and should not exist now. Aether is consumed when executing certain actions such as Energy Drain. Login Register Shop Cart ( 0) Items Final Fantasy XIV Gil FFXIV Power Leveling News And Guides Sell To Us X (0) Home; News And Guides; White Mage, Scholar, Astrologian PROS and CONS. are now sponsored by Steelseries! That said, there are still a few downsides to using it. Piety (to threshold needed to heal an encounter), Zyrk's Bullshit Guide to the Principles of Healing, Uptime allowed before the boss becomes untargetable (and thereby DoT ticks do NOT do damage anymore). At first glance, Scholar appears to be a hard job, especially for people who are just attempting to get into healing for the first time. This again assumes you do not lose a usage. Heals apply as soon as the cast completes (though they do not hit everyone at once). Most people who come asking why their DPS is low are simply not casting enough, resulting in a ton of lost DPS. This puts an enemy to sleep. This is both true, and untrue at the same time. You can also manually place. Making it fall out of raid buffs is a loss for the rest of the encounter, every usage after will lose potency. Ideally, Succor should be avoided in favor of other less costly options, such as Indomitability. Art of War is only really used for movement if there are two or more targets that you have to move away from. Useful for seeing how much of a substat will net a certain gain, but remember to not compare stats in a vacuum. The third scenario ideally never happens. If you have 3s where you didn’t do anything, that is a Broil III cast lost. Aspected Astrologian Shields override SCH shields, they do not stack. The problem with Recitation is that it costs an oGCD slot to use in the first place. (Until they re-summon her). The amount of incoming raid damage is consistently decreasing as expansions progress. Proper usage of these tools can result in a fairly significant gain for healer DPS. They have more potency than Indom. Playing with a low PIE set is extremely risky in groups that aren’t attempting to optimize. Piety will generally do the job is operating in our current raid tier are... Knight out of its powerful healing options and raid utilities make it a force to be logged to. 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