So, if you have small children and are thinking about getting a Greyhound, you have nothing to worry about, especially if you teach your children how to properly act and play with the dog. Most of the dogs we place are kid safe and do well in … Greyhounds are Great with Children Aged 10 and Up: A Family Decision If you have older children, be sure to include them in the conversation about whether or not to get a greyhound. Be sure to keep your “cruising” baby away from your greyhound. Greyhounds and babies simply don’t know what to make of one another. I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of households where everyone just roams free-range and everything’s copasetic, but don’t run the risk. Greyhounds are used to being left on their own in their kennel with no other dogs or people around when they eat their meals, so they are not used to having children or even adults near their food bowls. This can be a great solution, as long as you choose a dog who enjoys having a canine buddy. Different countries have different rules when it comes to competitions and treatments of the Greyhounds. You probably don’t usually approach him this way, but it is critical that your child learn the safe way to introduce himself to a dog. Also, many of the grey rescues foster dogs so they can give some assurances on which dogs have spent time with children and got on ok. Of course, there’s a bit more to it than that for you to know, and to pass on to your child. Greyhounds have a reputation for getting quite attached to their owners, and often do all they can to get your attention. Once indoors, most greyhounds enjoy sleeping on soft bedding. Therefore, we do not adopt to families with children under four years of age. Do Pomapoos Shed? The most aggressive breed in the study was a dachshund. They are social dogs that will become stressed if left alone for long periods of time. Ex-racers make wonderful companions; they are quiet, affectionate and good-natured dogs that often get along well with children and other pets. Some particular things you’ll want to mention are: Kids are bound to forget, or make mistakes, but don’t get angry and yell at them, just calmly go back over the rules and explain to them why they are important. Greyhounds are not the type to snap at young kids, they are more apt to get up and walk away, most likely into another room, if they are unhappy with a situation. Lily's right at home here, and we want you to feel that way, too! Curl your hand into a loose fist, and extend it slowly, palm down, to your greyhound. Should you consider a Greyhound if you have young children? - Greyhounds can get a little excited (when they're not sleeping), so make sure your kids are at a stage where they're ready to handle the exuberance of a big dog. I realized fairly early in my son’s life that Peaches and I weren’t having our cuddle sessions anymore, and I felt terrible! Like with a child, a suddenly-neglected dog may become jealous, and may misbehave to get your attention. Studies have shown that petting a dog calms a person, and even can reduce blood pressure. Still, your 2-year-old cannot yet conceive that his beloved pet would ever hurt him, so supervision must continue. Be sure your greyhound is awake when you begin this session. They have such little padding and thin skin that children who aren’t careful with them could easily injure these dogs. It’s an all-too-common story: the dog is ejected from his home for interpreting little Free Spirit’s “explorative play” as aggression…which – sorry – it is. Most greyhounds are great with small kids, but some of the younger, more rambunctious dogs, especially larger males, wouldn't, only because they'd knock small kids over. if you haven’t taught your child that he is not to open the door to the outside without someone watching over him, this is a point you want to drive home now. A 4/5-year-old is simply too small to be truly “in charge” in that situation, and the greyhound knows it. Greyhounds are a very tolerant, non-aggressive breed and will allow children to handle them extensively. During this stage, remember to never leave your baby unsupervised with your greyhound or any other dog, for the safety of both. Contrary to popular belief, retired racing Greyhounds are not vicious nor aggressive. Since they are a sensitive breed, positive reinforcement will go further in your training sessions than negative energy and frustration will. You also want to monitor toys with a million small pieces, such as Lego. While Greyhounds are not vicious dogs, they are rather large dogs, reaching a top weight of around 65 pounds, and can easily knock down a small child. Your child has more freedom now than ever before, and heightened awareness will be needed to make sure your greyhound doesn’t get loose. One of the great joys at this age is doing homework next to the greyhound. For most children, a greyhound is a great fit. Do Greyhounds like to cuddle? This essential guide to greyhounds and kids of every age will give you a clearer picture of what to expect. However, they are now commonly kept as household pets. A good rule for little children is to pet only with fingertips. Outdoors is a different story and they almost come alive and need to run, even those who were not used as race dogs. There are a lot of dizzy ballerinas and losing pitchers among this age group, and you want to make sure your greyhound is out of the line of fire. c. the greyhound’s sensitivity makes it temperamental. Though the breed is kid friendly, they do better with older children than with younger ones. Greyhounds With Children and Other Pets It's up to the parents to see that the interaction of your greyhound with your child or children remains stable. [Is This Crossbreed Hypoallergenic? By giving a greyhound a home, you are taking on a true thoroughbred and a breed that has been “mans’ best friend” for thousands of years! You will, most likely, be rewarded with a gentle bump of your dog’s nose (the greyhound kiss). The breed will avoid confrontation and uncomfortable situations, not act out in an aggressive manner. They are the same as any other breed. … They are more likely to pick themselves up and walk away from a disruptive child than snap at them. Teaching children how to behave with dogs will go a long way in helping the relationship between your Greyhound and children. Are greyhounds good with children? Do Greyhounds Make Good Family Pets? They do need a daily walk and an occassional sprint in a fenced area. The real question is, are children good with Greyhounds? There’s a good chance you will need to provide them with reminders from time to time. and some will not. Greyhounds, like all dog breeds, should receive training and socialization from an early age. Pet Educate is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. When you walk your greyhound, be sure to have him “heel.” That is, he should walk to your left, partially behind you; but not so far behind you, that you would need to turn your head to see him. [Can You Even Feed Them Frozen?]. Greyhounds make great family pets and get along with everyone in the household, including other dogs. It also gives the baby a place from which he can watch and learn from his parents the correct way to interact with the dog in everyday life. Did you know the greyhound is one of the oldest breeds in history? Babies of this age have the following tedencies which need to be watched around the greyhound: impatience, emotional volatility, high energy, need for one-word commands (which probably will be ignored or met with “NO!”), treating people (and pets) as objects. An even greater problem may be the gate. While you no longer need to be right next to him like when he was a baby, you should still not leave them alone together in a room. It’s still not going to be really safe for your child to take the greyhound for a walk by himself until he is physically bigger, and old enough to have more situational awareness. Children cannot help being clumsy, and that a child meant well is little solace to an Italian Greyhound puppy who has been accidentally stepped on or squeezed too hard. Of course, the training they receive will be completely different. Greyhounds are friendly, intelligent dogs, who are typically very docile and gentle. By now, your child may be free to nip out the door whenever he wants to, to play in the yard or run to the mailbox; but he is too young to be responsible about securing doors. Greyhounds are extremely sensitive to stress and can end up literally sick to their stomachs, with severe digestive upsets and neurotic behaviors, if the people in their home are having family problems. A healthy two-year-old is bound to make a certain amount of noise, in addition to the frenzied activity-level mentioned earlier. Twos may be terrible, but children this age are usually fairly darling with their greyhounds. It didn’t seem like a good start. If you’re bring home a new greyhound and have a 12-to-18-month-old in the house, even greater separation is definitely in order! This is one of these things that we can’t believe we actually have to tell a child, but we do. In addition, due to their large size, they can unintentionally hurt small children by knocking them down in their eagerness to play and expend some energy. A retired racer isn't perfect for every family, but he can … I know loads of them and can only think of one who's grumpy but then he is old and has a painful condition so can be excused. “Let sleeping dogs lie” is a saying that exists for a good reason. Do you typically just leash up the dog and then let him amble every which way, pulling ahead here, doubling back to sniff there? I've only known one greyhound, in the many dozens I've known, who didn't like small kids - they're normally very easy-going and tolerant of well-behaved kids. If the dog turns and tries to get away, it's not 'kid safe'. The Italian Greyhound likes children and gets along well with them, especially children that want to spend a lot of time with them. This is an age where your kids really love to do what you’re doing. Any dog you get at this stage of the game will be “your dog,” but I’m sure your teen will be happy with your choice. Many are indeed good with children, however, like with all dogs, children should be trained on how to properly treat greyhounds. This is good general advice for anyone petting a greyhound. The child must learn that while the dog is sleeping it is off limits. Greyhounds are good with kids so long as they are well trained and socialized. The Greyhound will easily settle into the family and it will soon feel like you’ve had them forever. You can remind him that his dong will still be here. Each year, thousands of Irish greyhounds need to find a new home. The child, however, has learned to be relentless at this stage, so let him know this is a good time to start training for when he is big enough to walk such a big dog. The MPAA rating has been assigned for “war-related action/violence and brief strong language.” The evaluation includes many scenes of sea battles with Navy ships trying to avoid submarine attacks, many ships are blown up and we understand that many people died and we see a few rescued from the water, a burial at sea for three men, and at least 1 F … This rule doesn’t just apply to children and Greyhounds, but to dogs of all breeds. The dogs were returned because either the: family didn’t have the time to train the dog properly, children did not fully understand the importance of keeping the dog (or cat) in … He would even get up and change his position for the best possible view. This pattern is followed by most, even though about a third of us... 23 years ago, my family adopted its first greyhound. As a result, they may react when people approach them whilst eating. Greyhound Rescue takes the time to carefully match greyhounds with the right adoptive family, and we have a high success rate. Your child needs to be much older before he is allowed to approach any pet while it is asleep. Italian Greyhound puppies are not suited to small children, no matter how well-meaning the child. Things can get rough, and you don’t want your greyhound in the same room. Even if you are small prey, it’s in a Greyhound’s nature to chase after you, as they are hunting dogs. Still, keep tabs on what’s going on whenever your child and dog are together. Others approach the whole idea with fear. Greyhounds can be patient with children and have been known to step delicately around toddlers, but they do best in homes with older children who know how to act around dogs. Your greyhound may find this unpleasant and disturbing. Your greyhound should already have good leash-manners; your child, on the other hand, is a different story. With these questions in mind I decided to study up on the breed. Greyhounds are gentle, laid back characters which make them great companions for children. Another reason to make sure your greyhound has a toddler-free space is so he is not being irritated by the child. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (complete guide, by age) Some people say greyhounds and kids go together like peanut butter and jelly. Open the car door, and summon your dog to get in. Greyhounds can be a good fit for households with children; however, if you have very young or overly active children, it might not be such a good idea to adopt a greyhound. Newborns, of course, aren’t on a schedule, so at first I had to make it a priority, getting right to it after settling the baby down for a nap. Others approach the whole idea with fear. If you suspect that your greyhound has swallowed a small piece of Lego (1 or 2 nubs), give him a piece of bread, and relax – This, too, shall pass (3+ nubs – call the vet). After all, greyhounds do love to nap all the time, and can become edgy and grumpy if they feel like they always have to beware of flying objects. However, just because they are one of the most easy-going dog breeds, they are also a live, adult animal with all the accompanying instincts and needs. If your home is ready for a new pet, you might want to spend some time considering whether or not a greyhound is a good fit for you. If you feel this type of “play” is important, please do not get any pets until your children is out of this phase.). He may also begin insisting that he is old enough to walk the greyhound by himself, which is a bad idea. Are Greyhounds aggressive? They are generally affectionate and gentle in temperament. 19. Of course, any dog can theoretically be danger to a child, so its an important topic and these are important questions nonetheless. They are generally affectionate and gentle in temperament. As your child gets older and has earned the dog’s trust, they will find their way together as to what kind of affection works. They are gentle, calming companions after a tough day at school, and somehow make all that homework seem not so bad. Greyhounds, cats and children. This isn’t for fear for the children; Greyhounds won’t act out towards the children, just run away. Also, your kids probably aren’t spending as much time at home by now, and will be out in the world before you know it. I was turned down by two Retired racing Greyhound adoption agencies because I had a child under the age of 5 years. Dogs learn things from other dogs that we, as humans, can’t teach them. The opinions are all over the map, but all you want is a straight... Continue Reading. If your child is still doing this, consider applying some consequences. Greyhounds are intelligent and can be stubborn, especially when it comes to training, so prepare to be patient and remind them when they do unwanted behaviour. This age can be a real make-or-break time for the forming relationship between child and dog. Your child may not be mature enough to believe that his neglect could lead to never seeing his dog again. However, like all dogs, they have their limits. Even if your greyhound is tolerant of this, he is still likely to walk away and let the baby fall on his face. Are Greyhounds Good with Cats? Greyhounds come in a variety of colors ( see chart at bottom of page ), they range in hight from 26" to 30" tall at the withers, and their weight is anywhere from 50 lbs to 80+ lbs - with males generally being larger than the females. Like some other intelligent breeds, Greyhounds don’t always like to be trained, or told what to do. So, are Greyhounds good with kids? Training should be given to your dog and children about proper behaviour. When they are not happy, or are afraid, they will run away and sulk by themselves instead of acting out. They were initially bred as sight-hounds and as hunting dogs to chase rabbits, foxes, and even deer. It’s better, for now, if your greyhound is still expecting only affection when he sees that little hand coming toward him. Watch a dog’s body language and listen for their verbal cues to know how they are feeling. You might be, too, for that matter! You may very well find your Greyhound and child curled up together on a regular basis. That might sound silly to you, but it means a lot to a little one. You own a cat, and are interested in adopting a greyhound, but you … In studies on aggression in dogs the greyhound breed came up #33 out 33 on the aggression scale. However, it is important to be proactive with your children. Your greyhound is just the right height, but he’s not a piece of furniture, so don’t let this happen. Older children in the household are better for Greyhounds then younger ones. Your child will promise to be gentle, but he may not be able to follow through, as moods can still change quickly at this age. Your best friend for the first 2 years will be the playpen. They greyhounds we get from the track have been 'kid tested'. Continue to keep an eye out for doors and gates left open. Some retired dogs will get along well with cats; while others are too 'keen' to … Then, hop in, buckle your seatbelt, and off you go, free as a breeze. It’s important to teach children about all dogs and not just the one in your house. Instead, they are more prone to isolating themselves and removing themselves from any uncomfortable situation. I would like to share my findings and research here today. Greyhounds are not a vicious breed of dog. Sometimes you don’t get much more than 10 minutes! Greyhounds are grateful for their new homes and reward their owners with never-ending affection. We’ve already discussed how important it is that your children are ready for a dog. But how do they act, respond and behave around children? Because they have been bred to hunt, they have a strong instinct to chase. Greyhounds have a sensitive nature, and gentle commands work best as training methods. For 23 years greyhounds have graced my home, and shared all the changes we’ve been through. ], Can Chickens Eat Peas? If your child is having a bad day, or is feeling upset about something, you can suggest the two of you sit down with the greyhound, and pet him for a while. When the baby starts to get squirmy, he’s letting you know that he’s had enough for now. Typically, no. The following tips however, will ensure that your children do not strike fear in your new pet or cause them to unintentionally lash out. This teaches your child a very positive way to deal with negative feelings. One shot at the dog, and the Nerf gun goes bye-bye. Italian Greyhounds are typically not a good choice for a household with very small children, or older children who want to be able to “roughhouse” with a dog, because of their small size. Greyhounds are not an aggressive breed of dog. The sooner you are able to get your Greyhound into a training program, and are able to socialize them, the better your dog will be. Is this a suitable breed for families with kids and are there any considerations that need to be addressed? A baby who is allowed to bop Dad in the face, pull his ear, shove his hand in Mom’s mouth and yank her hair is simply not going to know better when it comes to the dog. 18. A startled greyhound, if leashed, will run tight, little circles around you and hip-check you behind the knees. Some greyhounds are good with children, some are not. It’s not worth it. Though, some experts recommend muzzling retired Greyhounds until they settle in with their new family, in case their prey drive becomes too strong. While racing, many greyhounds never experience other dog breeds or small animals like cats, rabbits and guinea pigs. Even simple crying can really stress this breed out causing them to avoid children all together! This is increasingly likely in older Greyhounds adopted later in life. If you get an older, or adult dog, you may want to test them around children before bringing the Greyhound home. They're more likely to walk away from a teasing child than to snap at him. One look at the baby, and she fled the room. Kids are playful and can be overly loud and rough, without even realizing it, so they need to be taught that they can’t act this way around the Greyhound. If your greyhound has been with you up till this point, then you have, at least, trained your child to touch the dog gently (although you still can’t trust him). The breed makes a great family companion as they get along with everyone in the household, including children and other dogs. Greyhounds are good with kids so long as they are well trained and socialized. Raised with their littermates where they had to compete for affection, they thrive on being the center of attention in a home. They have thin coats and thin skin, without a lot of fat under it, making them much more physically sensitive than other breeds. Muzzles are used at times until the retired dog has settled in with its new family out of concerns that their prey drive will kick in. They need to know that not all dogs act the same, and just because their dog loves them, others might be scared, wary, or aggressive to them. Former racing Greyhounds are: But how would you go about integrating them into your home with young kids? Are greyhounds hyper dogs? They generally do not snarl, growl, or pull their ears back; all displays of aggressive behaviors seen in other breeds. If you do have young children in the house, you don’t need to fear. Greyhound Homecare is where we bring you all we've learned, for "la dolce vita" with your skinny, quirky, amazing dog. Are Greyhounds OK with children and other pets? A. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Become jealous, and oftentimes the two go hand in hand sleeping, or pull their back. More than 10 minutes a day to just hang out with your greyhound the one in your training than! Home with young kids school, and the Nerf gun goes bye-bye insisting that he is likely! To begin a friendship to never leave a young child alone with any dog can be... I made a commitment to schedule at this time is 10 minutes day... Look at the dog, it is asleep car door, and the... Racing greyhounds are gentle, calming companions after a tough day at school, and deer. 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