The main thing we need to remember is, puppies are puppies, regardless of the breed. They have moderate energy levels and need to be keep active. You see, we figure you might want all there is to know about Training your Maremma Sheepdog. Training Maremma Livestock Guardian dogs by Cindy Benson professional trainer. There are a variety of reasons for dogs to bark: This is a critical skill that will make your entire life with your dog so much easier, less stressful and safe. Don’t leave them alone for too long or they quickly become bored and destructive. We ran and played together. How to potty train a Maremma Sheepdog puppy with the Potty Training Puppy Apartment crate. Maremma Sheepdog Dog Training: This is EXACTLY How to train your Maremma Sheepdog puppy, while using Maremma Sheepdog specifically designed dog training methods, made to be fast in adoption, simple and fun for you and your Maremma Sheepdog. For this reason, the breed is also a good guard dog and has been used as such on many a successful occasion. ABOUT US - This website is the copyright property of - no material may be reproduced without express permission of the site owner and a link provided to the orginal information, please contact for any requests to reproduce material from here - email. If he strains on the leash, just stop walking, and crouch calling him back to you, and praise him for responding. It Obedience training: Setting boundaries is the most critical part of raising a child and raising a puppy. For young puppies a training session of three minutes is a long time. Did this page give you the information you needed? Place the collar on your pup at a time he is a little distracted. No matter what you think, your puppy has no way to connect eliminating in a spot in the house 10 minutes ago with having his face rubbed in it. They were not fenced but we in a very large (200+ acres) property with the goats. Choosing a name for your dog requires a little luck and inspiration and a lot of thought. Place the crate in a penned off area or small room with the door open so the puppy can go in and out investigating however he wants Place a blanket or bedding in the crate to make it more inviting Feed all meals in the crate with the door open Give him plenty of praise and pats to encourage him. After Make regular appointment… Socialization: Since they are protective of their surroundings the Maremma puppies are to be socialized at the earliest to keep this tendency under control. What does it mean to bond to livestock? Some of them might surprise you. It typically takes 4-6 months for a puppy to be fully house trained, but some puppies may take up to a year. HE If you do this the pup will not see that animal as a threat to its birds. These dogs can be independent at times, however, so you need to establish yourself as the alpha of the household and maintain a firm and consistent hand in training. Maremma are naturally clean dogs and house training is generally easy but you need to put in a little time and effort and remember to allow him to walk outside to go to the toilet and don’t carry him out or he won’t know how to go on his own.. Use lots of praise once he has ‘performed’ and he will soon learn. if you find a mistake in the house do not rub his nose in it or engage in any other punishments. How To Train Maremma Sheepdogs Puppy The Maremma Sheepdog will not blindly follow every command. There is no substitute for making informed decisions. Start this training as early as possible and use a very light weight lead and collar that fits comfortably. This video is a great demonstration of what you want your dog to be like when walking with you. Common Maremma Sheepdog Names . takes 12 - 24 months for a Maremma to become a mature guardian. On the average, adult males are a bit larger than bitches and average 27 inches tall and weigh 75 to over 100 pounds, while bitches average 26 inches tall and weigh 66 to 88 pounds. Review how much Maremma Sheepdog puppies for sale sell for below. This site is a great resource for all dog trainers. Puppy Training Series Part 1 of 4: Best Crate Training Video on first day with Puppy - Duration: 32:22. Dogs are clean animals and do not like to soil places where they sleep and eat, however a house is a large area to a puppy and they need to learn that it is not the appropriate place to go. Training sessions should be kept short to prevent them from getting bored, while the positive reinforcement methods would keep them hooked into their training regime. Boundaries give a framework that can be relied on, and becomes foundational to everything the comes your way over the whole of your puppies lifetime. "Respect Training" is the dog training method I use and recommend for training Great Pyrenees. Let the pup see the cat or any other dog or animal you own every day. learn to sneak so he eliminates when you are not around (which means he will eliminate inside the house! Maremma often like to perch in an open, elevated area to get a n optimal view of it’s surroundings. They are best suited to farm life with open space and livestock to guard. Updated Too. Sep 5, 2019 - Explore Lois Renn's board "maremma dog" on Pinterest. reading all this information, you must evaluate your own personal situation. Ruff Beginnings Rehab Dog Training and Rescue 378,393 views YOU A well bred Maremma will need very little “training” so to speak. “Dog Training 101: Good Dog + Good Trainer = Right Results” “How to Potty Train Your Dog” “The #1 Tip for Treating a Sick or Injured Dog” After I finished processing the duck, I put Luna on a leash and took her on a long walk. They are not your average household dog. This article is broken into topics for your convenience: Did this page give you the information you needed? the herd because Set off walking again and repeat as needed. Training a livestock guardian dog: Maremmas do not need 'training' to do their work as guardian. Livestock guarding dogs are known to use barking as part of their guarding duties. The following list are all great foods for a puppy: Main Foods Obviously, a smart dog is just potential without a human willing to put in the time and effort to train and channel the dog's cleverness. If you plan to use your dog, for sheep guarding you should introduce him to the sheep around 7 to 8 weeks in order to begin the bonding process. Because the Maremma Sheepdog is an intelligent breed it generally responds well to training. Repeat this several times over a couple of days until he is comfortable with the collar. Determining WHY your dog is barking is the key factor to dealing with it correctly. A playful Maremma puppy can seriously hurt a baby lamb without meaning to, and a cow or horse can hurt a Maremma puppy. If you notice anything that you could add, why don't you submit an article or story? We have Maremma Sheepdog house training solutions, so housebreaking Maremma Sheepdog puppies will be fast and easy. Put a chew toy in the crate with the door closed so the puppy will want to get in, and leave closed for a while, then open the door and let him in. The most common training needs people have for puppies are in the areas of: The key to house training your puppy is to attempt to PREVENT mistakes. Maremma is an English version of the Italian name, “Maremmano-Abruzzese,” but you are also likely to encounter names such as Cane da Pastore Maremmano-Abruzzese, Pastore Abruzzese, Pastore Maremmano and the Maremma Sheepdog- all names refer to this big friendly dog that takes his job very seriously. [email protected], Your Maremma Sheepdog and ALL dog breeds web resource, The Historically, they have always worked with shepherds.Long time livestock guardian dog owner, Jackie Church of Windance Farms, says it best: “ A Maremma is a PARTNER to the shepherd… You can take the training to the next level of teaching your puppy to ask you to let him out. Teaching your dog to respect you means interacting with him in specific ways that encourage respect. As your puppy matures over the first 4 weeks or so, you get to know each other quite well and you will start to pick up on little cues from your puppy as to when he may need to go, and your puppy begins to pick up on cues from you that you are going to offer him the opportunity to go. How to socialise your pup with people, other dogs and animals, Specifics of socialising when you have a livestock guarding puppy, How to tell if your pup is healthy and what to do if there is a problem, Other helpful resources for raising puppies, don't allow a young, untrained puppy free run of an entire house, use a crate or penned area for your puppy when you are not actively doing things with the puppy (your puppy is less likely to want to soil this smaller area that he spends a lot of his time in), take your puppy outside to a particular designated area every hour and relax, giving him the chance to eliminate, don't worry too much if he doesn't every time, you can try walking in circles around that area and choose a particular word or two words that you always repeat at this time which the puppy can begin to associate with this task (something like, "time now"), when your puppy begins to eliminate, repeat the words in a friendly tone, like you are encouraging him, when complete, give him plenty of praise and act very happy, you can now allow some inside playtime with or for your puppy allowing him to investigate the main house areas, but remember to bring him back to his pen or crate after 20 minutes or so to prevent accidents, always take your puppy outside to the designated area after his meal or large drinks of water, don't feed your puppy too close to his bedtime, be prepared to set your alarm and get up through the night to take your puppy outside (this won't last too long but you want to ensure your pup does not start off by eliminating in his bedding at night) Some puppies may need you to get up twice a night in the first week or so), If you notice the pup showing cues, repeat your command you decided on (like "time now") in a questioning tone, If the pup ignores you, let him be for 5 minutes, but watch for cues, If he responds, let him out and head to the door repeating your command, Remember to praise him whenever he responds and eliminates outside. Don't concern yourself over the odd mistake, be ready that if you are bringing a puppy into your house, there is going to be a training period and that means mistakes during this period, especially if you are not paying attention to your pups routines and cues. I gave her a full-body doggy massage. Occasionally place small treats in the crate for him to 'find', Only when your puppy is comfortable in the crate should you start closing the door while he eats, but only leave it closed for a short time - less than 30 seconds at the start, Gradually increase the amount of time the door is shut, but it won't be for long as once your puppy finishes his meal you are going to take him outside to eliminate. Maremma have an overwhelming instinct to guard and protect. Maremma Sheepdogs Puppy Training Tips Please ensure that you read as much as you can here, use the search box above to find specific information on this site to become as thoroughly educated as you can. The following list are the golden rules of livestock guardian training, and are therefore very useful to remember when raising a Maremma pup as a Livestock Guardian. Developing a schedule is the best method - feed in a routine and provide opportunities for relieving in a routine. Keep this in mind when crate training your puppy, it's the key to success! You are far better off learning how to obedience train a dog, then have very short enjoyable sessions with your maremma in the paddock with the livestock. Offer a little guidance and direction, their natural intuition will do the rest. A few days ago we purchased a maremma puppy that is 10 weeks old. Cindy shares much experience and expertise about working dogs, sheepdogs, livestock guardian dogs. mistakes are best ignored so that they do not become a cause of stress or anxiety for your pup, whilst successes are reinforced by lots of praise and connection with your command words (in fact they are less stressful for you too if you stay calm), remember you may have caused some of his mistakes by forgetting the time and leaving him too long, or feeding him and not taking him straight outside, Place the crate in a penned off area or small room with the door open so the puppy can go in and out investigating however he wants, Place a blanket or bedding in the crate to make it more inviting, Feed all meals in the crate with the door open. Definitely the best book I've ever read and could recommend on dog origins and behaviour by Ray Coppinger. HOW BIG IS A MAREMMA? IN FACT your puppy knows by your body language and tone that you are unhappy and something bad is about to befall him ... if you find your puppy making the mistake STAY CALM... do not shout, grab him or hit him, associate something bad happening when he eliminates with you nearby, become less calm about eliminating out in the designated area with you with him. The wants to, and not because Begin putting him in the crate with a chew toy or treat once you feel he is very comfortable with the crate and ensure you are always around and in sight. House training your puppy is about consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement. If you notice anything that you could add, why don't you submit an article or story? Obedience Training for Livestock Guardian Dogs. This video helps to demonstrate these principals. Training must be firm and consistent, and both dog and handler must show respect for each other. I love the crate setup for this pup if you can't be with your pup for longer periods of time. Develop a bond with your puppy before you start serious training The early months with your puppy are invaluable for getting to know its personality, establishing a bond between the two of you, and laying the ground work for early sheep training. All puppies will chew, play chase and make mistakes from time to time. It won't take too long doing this inside the house or backyard until you can attempt to take your pup out in public on a lead. We currently have in a large pen with chickens until the sheep arrive in the next week or so. Crate training is not at all cruel, in fact it can provide your puppy with is own private area which they grow to love and feel secure in. You need to always stay calm and ensure you do not reinforce mistakes with punishment! What foods are and are not suitable to feed puppies. As an independent thinker, the maremma does not always feel it is reasonable to be told to stay or come. the herd because, Differences in situations for guarding livestock and how this affects the training, The role adults in a pack play when bonding a new pup to livestock, The role of obedience training for a livestock guardian. If you are not at home with your puppy, don't leave him in the house! After all, this is a word you will be saying frequently for years to come. Take your pups cues to work out how long is comfortable, but don't rush to open the door if he cries, simply calmly come and open it then ignore him as he comes out of the crate so as not to reinforce his distress, clear and consistent communication with your dog, do NOT yell at your dog (you are just barking back which reinforces the behaviour), do NOT let the dog inside (you have just given him the attention or shown him he can get you to let him in by barking), teach a command such as "Quiet" that can be rewarded when the dog stops barking, reassuring the dog that some object of his attention is not in fact a threat, ensure your dog gets adequate exercise and socialising so he is not bored and unable to release pent up energy in constructive ways, socialise your dog so that he is calm with people and animals. Is this not training a pup? Dog owners always want to believe that their dog is the smartest on the block, and while this may be true, a smart dog can come in many forms. It’s even, dare we say it, an opportunity to have some fun! Over 100,000 dogs have been successfully potty trained with our world-famous indoor dog potty, called the Potty Training Puppy Apartment, including Maremma Sheepdogs. When you feel he is ready, pick up the lead and just walk about a bit, encouraging the puppy to follow you anyway, not pulling the puppy along with the lead. My problem is that he is chasing the chickens. Attach the leash - let him inspect it first or whilst attached, and don't attempt to walk him yet, just let him forget it and become comfortable with it on. Excessive barking however becomes a problem for people and is a sign that the dog may be stressed and/or bored. Do not yank on the lead or pull him to you, teach him that he needs to come to you and be by your side. [email protected], Your Maremma Sheepdog and ALL dog breeds web resource. Don't make sudden changes to a puppies diet; Think of a puppy as you would a baby - feed them puppy food, they are easier to digest and have a different nutritional balance designed for fast growing pups; Feed your puppy smaller amounts more often; Guide to foods. For all dog trainers demonstration of what you want your dog requires a little guidance direction. That needs lots lot of upkeep for sale sell for below we have... Any forethought to this, when they need to go, they go Cindy shares much experience and about! Bred to work entirely independently to ask you to let him out around ( which means he eliminate! Barking is the best book I 've ever read and could recommend on dog origins and by. Very large ( 200+ acres ) property with the Potty training puppy Apartment crate periods. Article or story will need very little “ training ” so to speak a good dog... Why do n't you submit an article or story mature guardian session three... 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