Training Split for 3-Day Routine. I'll mostly be squatting, Bulgarian split squatting, deadlifting and calf raising throughout this initial period, twice per week. (seriously maybe read the routine before freaking out about him not using weights - he should be using weights - he didn't say he was but he should be according to the reddit bwf fitness). The only type of isolation exercises I'd recommend to beginners with toothpick legs would be injury prevention stuff like glute-ham raises and reverse hyperextensions. First of all, my leg day is once a week. Just my 2 cents. This is pretty low volume which is not optimal. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Wheeler says that genetics also play a large role in how we gain fat. Strength training will increase your 1 rep maxes but its not the best way to develop large legs. Squat more often. 3 sets of 8-15, @ 65 lbs. Push B BB Press 4x8-12 OHP 5X5-8 Incline DB Press 4x8-12 Lateral Rsise 4x10-12 Skull Crushers 4x8-12 Tricep pushdown 4x8-12. Two questions: How much time do you complete this in, on average? The abdominal area." On this day, I do: Squats. Lower volume higher frequency has worked best for me. Make sure your volume of squats and deads is manageable- follow a program that includes them 3-4 times a week and stick to it. And fortunately you don’t need a squat rack to perform them. Usually 5 sets of Front Squats, then 5 sets of Deadlifts, then I'll do a sort of circuit style routine with some rest of Lunges, then Leg Extensions (lower weight), and … Your leg muscles are some of the hardest working muscles in your body. So that's two times a week. Hiking with a lot of elevation gain helps. But you also build your strength and conditioning slowly. They have always been muscular, but small. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. For calves usually I just go for a run and they get pumped. Your upper body may be developed, but you can still probably progress linearly on legs given these stats. However, my legs are super wobbly by the end. A bunch of calf work 80-120 reps per week. You'll feel more pain doing leg presses than ever before. I've been running, swimming and cycling a lot and eating healthy. Why do you list weights in your routine? I cant wait to see my transformation for the PRO stage ???? The recent meta-analysis I linked to in my first post on this subject essentially said that you can absolutely get stronger while doing some aerobic training. Muscles require plenty of stimuli to grow, and they require repeated stimuli to continue growing. ? Start with your body weight and do sets of … About a year ago I started getting into endurance sports. Hi guys! Actual programs, not the brosplit you have going on. 3 sets of 7-10, @ 215 lbs. My two-week leg cycle is not designed primarily for strength development, although you will get stronger. Partly, it can come down to genetics, some people are naturally gifted with tree trunks, others find it extremely easy to add size to their legs regardless of training or any of the below points in this article. Also, how should I approach my calf training? Most leg pain results from wear and tear, overuse, or injuries in joints or bones or in muscles, ligaments, tendons or other soft tissues. When you start to do your leg presses this way, it will lessen the amount of weight you use to a certain degree, but as your muscles adapt, they'll get stronger and your weight will come right back up, except now you'll be able to completely control the … How do you know that? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 10 weeks away this weekend ? Hamstring leg curl 3x8-12. Wow, thanks. . Lipedema isn’t rare, but it’s rarely diagnosed. Ladies, Here’s What You Should Know About Lipedema, a Condition That Causes Excess Fat in the Legs. This is an important question to answer because it’s putting the muscles in catabolic conditions from the outset. The result is a high one-foot jump. Strength training isn't the most maximally efficient for building muscle. I do one day of cardio (3-5 mile run), one day of arms & shoulders (modified P90X), and one day of chest & back (also modified p90X). Did you make progress pics of your legs and see visible improvements? 2 sets of 7-10 @ 85 lbs, followed by 1 set of 3-5 @ 110. Legs being long, a little can be revealed, then a little more, then . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. I started with toothpick legs. About 6 Day Push Pull Legs Routines. 108k Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from ‘leggains’ hashtag Is adding 2,5 kgs to the squat rack per week realistic? Strength + hypertrophy training ( switch it up ), I had the same problem. I typically increase either my reps by 1, or the weight every time I go to the gym. Thanks for the link. Before I give you my personal 6-day workout, I want you to have a copy of a basic Push Pull Legs workout routine. Why not the same rep range across all sets of squats? I've not seen a inch of calf growth by training them directly. Compounds got me most of the way there overall. You mentioned running and bicycling, but do you do any of it uphill? Look into programs in the wiki. Gaining weight in legs can be a difficult task. The slope forces a forefoot strike which builds calves quickly. April 27, 2020 by Christina Stiehl. Doing useless crap like leg extensions is not gonna help toothpicks. Alså try stiff leg deadlifts for hamstrings. Leg press 3x8-12. Did you gain weight? So what you do with it is on you, but to walk out of the gym without tapping those glycogen stores, and doing something with legs, your a fool, especially if you are taking “supplementation”, your legs can handle it. Add 1kg each time (your gym should have 0.5kg plates- or you can buy your own and take them with you), After a month (12 sessions per month), you’ve added 12kg, After a year, you’re squatting 160kg and you don’t have chicken legs any more. Please try again in a couple of minutes. And sure your legs aren’t the “pretty muscles” of the upper body, but they are your base, supply the largest blood flow. Once I started doing full body 3 days a week and doing some form of squat and deadlift each day (different rep ranges or variations), my legs started to really grow. and so on, all the way up. In 6 months you will notice gain provided your diet isn't terrible. Legs are your biggest muscle group so it’s not surprising they’re the toughest part to gain size. "When I say heavy, I'm talking enough weight that you're fully fatigued after 8-10 reps. Keep your form strict and control the weight." You have weak legs. Weight gain in legs depends upon mass build up. What you should be looking at is are you making progress (strength, visual differences, leg size). Is there a rationale behind the ordering of exercises? Hitting legs twice a week. A beginner can surely add 5 kilos a session, there’s no need to only add 1 kilo. What does the rest of your training look like? I do accessories to component my main lifts. Best of luck friend. However, my legs are super wobbly by the end. ... even as they hint at how they can gain additional power over all-too susceptible men. For legs it varies depending on where I am (two gyms in the house and sometimes I have to use the one with less equipment). Extensions (4 sets, 20,16,12,10 reps increasing weight as you go and holding at the top of the movement for 3seconds), Free weight or Smith Machine squats (4 sets) -30-35reps, with 135lb (increase weight if possible) -25-30reps, with 165lb (increase weight if possible) -20-25reps, with 185lb (increase weight if possible) -15-20reps, with 205lb (increase weight if possible), Leg press (4 sets) -40-50reps, with 3 plates each side (increase weight if possible) -30-40reps, with 4 plates each side (increase weight if possible) -20-30reps, with 5 plates each side (increase weight if possible) -15-20reps, with 6 plates each side (increase weight if possible), Heavy walking Lunges (4sets, 15reps each leg, holding 25lb DBs or a 50lb bar on back) (go heavier if possible) (Full stretch and keep a quick pace), Seated hamstring curl (4 sets to failure) rep range 15-20 reps, Lying hamstring curl (4 sets to failure) rep range 15-20 reps, Adductor machine 4 sets 25 reps, warm up and then work up to the whole stack. This workout structure, often referred to as a split, allows for recovery from a certain … Hyperextensions 2x15. Leg Gains Model Universe Daisy, Pro Athlete shares, "Leg gains are coming along nicely! Accessory work can be done more often. I’m still struggling with my calves. I started with toothpick legs. Reddit isn't sharing their porn for this sub right now. Note: Once the leg workouts are complete, I’ll be adding that into this article to complete the full push pull legs routine. Went from skelly sr (6'1, ~155/160lbs) to t-rex in probably 6 months. Now I'm a healthy guy with surprisingly skinny legs. First of all, my leg day is once a week. Did you measure an increase in thigh circumference? Hip abductor machine 3x8-12. I've found success with full body 3 days a week, takes <1hr each, and cardio a couple times a week when I can fit it in. Why do you do calf raises before leg press? Leg Press. Cookies help us deliver our Services. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Best of luck bro. If he’s not struggling or training somewhat close to failure his body won’t adapt to his optimal strength potential. My goal is to focus on compound moves to begin with, with extra attention to my skinny legs. Means you're probably carrying a good bit up upperbody fat) and they'll grow... Squat three times a week heavy and eat a ton. I'm 1.85m and 75kg (6'1" and 165lbs) top heavy European dude with spaghetti legs (especially my calves are a disaster). In regards to your routine it looks like what I used to do when I would train legs once a week and I would be sore but I wasn't growing much. For bigger calves walking 10k steps daily would do the trick. It's a compressed training cycle that will optimize intensity and recovery, week-in and week-out, so you can make consistent gains. As I said, I have weak legs, so I can currently squat about 40 kgs (90 pounds) not even 10 times. Forget leg curls, extensions and presses; the king of all leg exercises will always be squats. Please critique the hell out of me, because I just want to improve. Leg extension 4x8-12 Standing calf 4x10-12. Push Pull Legs Routine: The Push Workout Exercise 1: Incline Barbell Bench Press. Train at least four times per week, focusing primarily on large muscle groups. In terms of gains, I know because I write everything down. I got stretch marks on my legs so bad I went to the doctor thinking I had an STD. You know the arguments against doing high-rep training for size, no matter what muscle groups we're talking about. I've got nice calves with clear seperation from doing 3 sets, high reps, of calves at the end of my leg day. Mistake #1: Inadequate frequency. Not to mention the other benefits your whole body reaps from squatting and deadlifting often. I am a full time teacher, and in graduate school, and therefore cannot do more than 4 days at the gym per week. Legs: Barbell Squats 5x5. Find out the best ways to target your hamstrings, quads, inner thigh muscles, and more with these weighted leg exercises. More frequency in your program would be more "optimal". I am making gains, though I feel like this isn't enough. While some people build muscle very quickly, others may need at least two or three months of consistent training to see significant, long-term results. Sorry about that. If that’s not easy, then setting a treadmill to its max slope and do HIIT. I also work full time and am in grad school. Once I reach 10 reps, I up the weight. I would like to hear some advice on the infamous leg day. Basic 3-Day Push Pull Legs Workout. 5 kgs? Am I doing enough? It's designed to emphasize muscle mass development in the shortest amount of time possible. This is why I only have one leg day per week. Just my personal story. Let me begin by stating that I have toothpick legs. What's really the question here? High intensity hypertrophy training is. I am making gains, though I feel like this isn't enough. Cycling is better at running for this purpose, and duration is a key factor. Stand in front of the barbell … Mike Tyson was sent to Indiana’s correctional facility in 1992 and after serving 3 years he came out with tree-trunks for legs! By "top heavy", do you mean that your upper body easily gains muscle? I've got nice calves with clear seperation from doing 3 sets, high reps, of calves at the end of my leg day. Oh and before I forget it, did you read the wiki? After lowering into the lateral lunge, push off bent leg and come up into a standing position, pulling lunging knee up and balancing on one leg before starting the … Calves/ Tibialis circuit- 3 exercises no rest (4 sets x 25 reps), Quad. "There are four ways in which we store fat: 1. Beginners need not focus on hypertrophy at all, just get stronger and the size will come. Anybody who has read any of my stuff is familiar with this. Deadlift. Calf raises are fine but the stereotype holds true- thet are hard to increase in size. Booty Gains Before and After These 12 Booty-Gain Before and Afters Are Serious Goals. Barbell squats, barbell flute bridge, front squats, Romanian dead lifts and dead lifts should do the trick. Push Pull Legs (PPL) programs are a popular way to structure bodybuilding, strength training, or powerbuilding style programming. Why would super wobbly mean anything about workout quality? Without a significant load, usually defined as at least 60 or 65% of your one-rep max, you're training your muscles for endurance rather than size or strength. So train them while bulking (165 @ 6'1 is skinny, especially if you have no legs. Doing squats and going hard really will build massive quads. I read the wiki, though I forgot some data. Several years ago I was a chubby, unathletic guy who's legs were surprisingly skinny. View pictures from Sub-reddit /r/thick as a gallery. Personally I saw very slow growth when training legs once a week. Trainers name the best leg day exercises that you should start doing if you're getting bored of your usual leg workouts with weights. (A right footed kicker will be a strong left footed jumper. ) It's evenly distributed, 2. the trunk and ab area (predominately men), 3. the trunk, leg, and glute area (predominately women), and 4. Look at athletes who do a lot of reps of anything, and you rarely see a lot of size in the muscles that do the high-rep work – unless it's size that was built in the weight ro… gonna give it all i have! All of this will only work if you are in a caloric surplus, if you are to continue endurance sport it means you probably wil have to eat alot. It isn't enough to just know what a 3-second descent is. Why did you chose these exact rep ranges? I got huge legs just from doing SS a few years back. Also, how should I approach my calf training? Calf Raises. Besides building up my butt like never before, this set the foundation for my gains in squats and deadlifts. . So that's two times a week. Please let me know what you've found to be effective. The first exercise we’re going to cover in a typical push workout for mass is the incline barbell bench press. What's realistic? The same authors showed that strength and hypertrophy could co… The gains started rolling in when I started to be super consistent with training calves instead of handling it as an afterthought to squats and deadlifts. Calf raises 5x15-20. This is my first time posting here. Romanians. Leg pain can also be caused by blood clots, varicose veins or poor circulation. Some background info. Did you increase working weights? One day heavy one day light. How many kgs or pounds should I expect to gain if I train twice per week? However, the question remains: If you have to do aerobic work and then train directly after, can you still get jacked? Toss in some glute work and follow an actual program. What routines are optimal? "I'm a firm believer that squats are ultimately the best exercise for … If I can hit the upper limit of the rep range through all my sets with good form, I increase the weight. Actually DO IT! In what time frame did you see these gains? This deceleration overloads their left leg, strengthening it. That was from doing a fuckload of squats with linear noob gains. This is because a right footed kick requires the athlete to plant their left foot in order to decelerate before kicking with their right leg. On this day, I do: Squats. Planned progression is literally the most important component of any training program. On that note, I just followed a rough Starting Strength rubric: warm-up … I've got decent legs. It will feel easy at first and get harder as you go along. Do some compound movements to overload your leg muscles with heavy weight to achieve muscular tension to induce muscle growth, then really isolate your leg muscles under high intensity to grow 'dem legs. You may want to start with this if you’re new to the concept, or new to working out in general. Pull A Pedlay Row 5x5-8 Pull Up 4x8-12 Lat pulldown 4x8-12 BB shrugs 4x10-12 Face pull 4x10-12 Precher Curl 4x8-12 DB Hammer Curl 4x8-12. Squats and deadlifts will get you there. 3 sets of 7-10, @ 140 lbs. I'd also like some feedback on my current routine. I'm 32, male, six feet tall, and 160 lbs. I always like to plan shit out and am looking for a baseline of what to expect in growth and strength terms. "Sure, curls and calf raises are great exercises, but if you want serious gains, you simply must hit heavy, basic compound movements," explains fitness model and BPI athlete Whitney Reid. Calorie surplus... but the right way. The gains started rolling in when I started to be super consistent with training calves instead of handling it as an afterthought to squats and deadlifts. This is a red flag to me because it suggests that you have any planned progression in your program. 2x per week should be minimum especially if you wantthings to be "optimal". Attack Legs As A Weak Point. In order to build up the size of the legs, it is necessary to indulge in some strength training exercises which are specifically targeted to increase the leg muscles. Some types of leg pain can be traced to problems in your lower spine. Have you ever tried calf raises? Weighted lunges 3x8-12. I've got great routines for cardio, back, shoulders, arms, and chest, but I could use a good legs routine. Who are you in terms of weight, height, age and gender? "Any less than that and you may sacrifice some gains," says von Moger, who believes in training as often as you possibly can—in a recovered state, of course. 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