The fruit is commonly eaten fresh or made into beverages, jams, and other foods. However, tapeworms, roundworms, and other types of worms and parasites in humans is a more common problem than you probably realize. 2- The worm in dreams can also highlight our feelings of ineffectiveness and insignificance (whether this is about ourselves or others). Caribbean fruit fly (Anastrepha suspensa) : The Caribbean fruit fly is the most important pest of guava in Florida. If the worm is bigger than we are then this would suggest that our own sense of inferiority is a problem. This honeydew attracts ants.Ants protect both aphids and scale insects from predators, and also move them around … If only the fruit are affected it must be the larva of a moth or beetle. In 2006, a new limiting pest in guava was reported in the provincia de Vélez, Santander, Colombia, known as the borer worm. No, not the leaves, but only the guavas are effected. You can use a plastic container with holes in the lid as big as the flies. However, despite the guava plant possessed hardwood stems, trunks, and branches, the plant has its own share of pests. As long as you crush your food with teeth and chew with mouthwater, you have nothing to worry… as the worms are finished in your mouth itself. Fruit flies lay their eggs beneath the guavas skin and the resulting maggots (worms) devour the flesh inside the fruit. It is a safe bet that a "worm" as you describe in a ripe guava or any other ripe sweet fruit is a fruit fly. Fruit flies lay their eggs beneath the fruit's skin, and the maggots feed on the flesh. Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:01 pm. Others have also confirmed the ubiquitous … Brazilian guava trees have been seen with severe zinc deficiency due to the presence of nematodes and can be treated with zinc sulphate in two summer sprayings, 60 days apart.. Aphids are sometimes found to inhabit guavas, leaving behind their sticky residue or honeydew. Worms can infect your intestinal tract if you drink contaminated water, have poor hygiene habits, eat undercooked food, or handle pets that are infected. Overview. In this regard, is it OK to eat guava with worms? The damage causes guavas to rot. Thanks for such a prompt response! Worms in guavas. The worm is not necessarily seen to be particularly clean. rockhound Full Member Posts: 35 Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:16 pm Location: Tennessee. guavas. The guava fruit worm, Argyresthia eugeniella, invisibly infiltrates hard green fruits, and the citron plant bug, Theognis gonagia, the yellow beetle, Costalimaita ferruginea, and the fruit-sucking bug, Helopeltis antonii, feed on ripe fruits. Overview Information Guava is a tree that grows in Central and South America. The guava tree is one of the many trees with hardwood which may be hard for insects to damage. Guava trees are attacked by a number of insect pests including the Caribbean fruit fly, guava whitefly, red-banded thrips, guava fruit moth, and scales. Pour a cider vinegar or white wine vinegar (about 2 inches) mix two drops of unscented dish washing liquid. 1 Answer. You can set a homemade trap for fruit flies. There is no knowledge of the biology of this pest so far. Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:28 am. Every guava from another tree has also had these same worms in it, every guava bought from a market too.